
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another Update on My Pregnancy

I had my ultrasound and Biophysical Profile of Judah and doc appt. yesterday. Busy day!
Judah passed again with flying colors--8 out of 8. I am dilated between a 2 and 3 and 100% effaced and I am 37 weeks. However, Judah is still face up. He needs to turn before labor starts or my labor will be longer and more difficult. We still have a little time left for him to turn. Please be praying that he will turn as he should.

He is so crowded in there that we were unable to get any good pics. :0(

We are anxiously awaiting his arrival! I am considered full term, so if I do go into labor they will not stop it. We want him to come exactly when he's ready and no sooner.

Thanks for all your prayers!!

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