
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pouring Out My Heart to God

Pouring out my heart to God is part of my prayer life.  I've learned how to pour out my heart to Him without begging, pleading, and whining.  Prayer is not supposed to be like that at all.

Here are some practical steps to learning how to pour out your heart to God

1.  Know the will of God.  His Word tells me what He wants, desires, and needs from me. When I read His Word, I get more of His truth inside me.  His truth dispels the lies of the enemy and brings light to the darkness.  When I read His Word, I am encouraged.  I am reminded of who I am and Whose I am! 

2.  Line up my life with His Word.  Do what the Word says and I will live a godly life.  This takes actively reminding myself what His Word says.  I constantly remind myself what the fruits of the Spirit are and if what I'm thinking doesn't line up with those, then I need to think on something else, right?  If what I'm doing is not displaying the fruits of the Spirit, then I am displaying the fruits of the flesh and I need to make an immediate change. Yes, it takes work.  Yes, it's difficult sometimes...but, well worth it!

3.  Have a confident relationship with Him.  Know that you can go boldly before Him when you know Him and trust Him.  When I live my life in His Word and acting out His Word, then I can have a confident relationship with Him and know that He is listening when I pray.

All of these take discipline.  It takes practice and training.  In the military, they don't just hand the guys a gun and send them out to war.  They train them starting with obedience....learning to obey the voice of the one in charge.  That's what I'm doing when I read His Word and put it into practice.  I'm learning to obey Him.  I'm teaching this to my children.  We practice obedience.  I give them tasks that teach them obedience.  Sometimes they know that's what we are doing and sometimes I don't tell them because I want to know how much more we need to practice.

It all takes discipline.  Discipline is just training and practicing to do what is right--all the time!  As I do these things then I pray in confidence because I know I'm praying in His will and I am confident that He is listening.  I don't have to beg and plead and whine, I ask with boldness.

As I incorporate these simple things into my life, I pray to a depth that brings change.  Change in me, change in my family, and change in the world around me.    

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