
Friday, March 1, 2013

2013 Tree Planting

 10 boxes arrived Wednesday afternoon!  2 are missing here....this is Thursday morning and 2 boxes are already in the field!'s cold and wet this morning.  Makes for easy digging.  But, we are sitting on feed sacks or old dog food bags to keep our rear-ends dry :0) lol!
 We bought all tiny baby trees this year and the planting is taking less time because there is a much smaller root system.  These are Virginia Juniper trees.  The tops of these trees turn red when they go dormant.  They'll be a beautiful Christmas tree!
 Caleb planted his first tree!!

 David is taking a quick break for a sip of HOT coffee!  It's 33 degrees and we had a dusting of snow early this morning (Thursday, 2/28)  Even Pumpkin, the cat has come to check out all the activity in the tree field!
 Digging by hand this year.
 Poppie is digging all the holes for those who are planting.  Today it's David, me and Caleb before lunch.  After lunch it was Hannah and Nanny Boo Boo and David and Caleb.  Hannah and I switched out a couple of times!
 This is the box of Virginia Junipers
 These are our fertilizer pellets that we put in the hole before the tree, a little bit of dirt on top and then the tree on top of that.  Caleb is in charge of these.  He walks around asking if we need a "cough drop"--too funny!!!
 David planting.
 Lots of tender loving care for each tree--and this is just the beginning!
 Packing the dirt
 Me, planting some too!  Poppie on the 4-wheeler in the background.  He's bringing extra dirt for the holes.
 We got 100 of these in the ground by 11:30.  Headed up to the house for some lunch.  Moving to a new field and different trees after lunch.
 These are Turkish Fir trees.  These are going by the gift shop...just to the side of the hay bale maze.
 David and Caleb tag-teaming it.

 Hannah planting her tree

 Poppie found the post hole digger

You can see what's left of the hay bale maze from Christmas in the background.  The cows have been enjoying eating it.

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