
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DIY Fading Color Scarf

Hannah and I found a post on A Blossoming Life back in March that we pinned to Pinterest to do later.  We finally decided to make some of these scarves today.  

We purchased:
Plain white bandanas at Hobby Lobby for .99 each.
Liquid Rit Dye at WalMart for $3.97 each color (pink & purple)

We washed and dried the bandanas.  (oops! skip the drying step as the bandanas need to be wet!)

Finding a recipe to make the dye was a little difficult as it's really not on the bottle.  So, I went to the Rit website and looked around and finally just decided to wing it.  Here is the recipe I came up with:
2 T. Salt
Bowl with hot water (no measurements, really)
1/3 bottle of the dye 

We just swished the salt around until it fully dissolved.  Then poured in the dye and stirred it around with a stainless steel spoon.  Make sure your bowls and spoons are stainless or glass as the dye will definitely stain any plastic.  The bottle recommends gloves, but we just made sure not to put our hands in the dye.
1.  Place 1/3 of the scarf into the dye for about 10 minutes.  We used the spoon to poke it down and be sure it was all under the water.  (We actually did 2 scarves at a time.)

  2.  Add the next 1/3 of the scarf into the dye for two more minutes.

3.  Add 1/2 of the last bit of scarf into the dye for about 1 second.  Remove all of the scarf into the sink.  Hold by the white part that has no dye and allow to rinse until all the colored water runs clear.

Wash by hand with detergent and then dry in the dryer.  

Ooh, la la!  Something fun to play with!  Find the right look for you!

In the hair  

Around the neck

  Hannah likes it like this to hold her hair back

No warnings!  You CAN try this at home!

Please leave a comment and thanks so much for stopping by!

PS:  If we do this again, we'd probably add more dye to the pink to make it a little darker
Road to 31
I linked this post to the Tending the Home Tuesdays blog hop.  Click the link in the box above and visit some other blogs.

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