
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hannah's Very First Piano Recital

Hannah has been taking piano from Mrs. Sheri for a few months, now (thanks to her Nanny Boo Boo and Poppie!).  Today was her first recital.  Mrs. Sheri said that she didn't have to play in this one since she's not been taking lessons from her for very long.  We encouraged her to go ahead and play in the recital.  She did a fabulous job!!
When we got there today she was getting a little nervous.  She decided she needed to check her blood sugar.  Good thing she did; she was 49.  Time for a snack!
 The Program
Hannah and her best friend, Abigail.  David kept saying, "say fuzzy pickles!" and they got the giggles!  Abigail came to cheer her on.  Abigail has invited Hannah to several of her violin recitals.  One day we're hoping they'll do a duet!
 This was the first song Hannah played called "Freight Train".  She did so well. 
The 2nd song, "Boogie, Woogie Goose" was a definite video fail.  I did get this picture of her while playing, though.

We are so proud of her!  She has a definite gift from God!
Way to go, Hannah!

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