
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Our Garden

We have taken the plunge again and are planting a garden.  We still don't have our raised beds built, so we improvised and planted in the flower beds (that's what they're called anyway...haven't had any flowers in them for a while :0)  ).  We'll see how well our veggies grow this year.  This is mainly an experiment with the kids in taking pride in growing their own food.  We decided we would plant a "salsa garden".  We all love salsa!   

In case you do not know, we live on a hill in the trees.  A space that gets plenty of sun and has no rocks is rare around our house.  A garden a long way away is just not feasible for us right now. So, we are planning to build some raised beds where we get full sun in one place in our yard--where the trampoline sits.  Sorry kids!  We'll find another place for the trampoline. as I mentioned earlier we planted in the flower beds right at the house.  David is planning to trim some of the trees this week for me, so the sun will shine on these areas a little better.

We've had some great rain since we planted our little garden and are excited to see each plant grow.

We have 2 dogs--one is a puppy! So, we decided to just hunt down lots of sticks and make a barrier around each plant to keep the dogs from trampling them down.  I think it was a GREAT idea that Hannah and I came up with as we planted our tomatoes.  A frugal idea at that!  

These are our tomato plants--6 in all--1 cherry tomato

 We just improvised with some rocks to kind of make a path.  This way the kids won't step on what's growing!
 These are the pepper plants.  We have jalapenos, cayenne and a Thai hot pepper.
This is really hard to see, but really there is nothing to see, since they've not come up, yet. lol!  These are our onions.  Hopefully, they will come up....I've never planted onions before.
 Ok, it was supposed to be a salsa garden, but I just couldn't resist some other plants....who gardens without cucumber and zucchini, right?  :0)

 This is one of 2 black zucchini plants
This is one of 2 cucumber plants--one has already been trampled by either a kid or a dog.  Guess our stick barriers aren't as effective as we'd hoped! {sigh}
   We bought these plants from a new farm in Woodbury--Coldwater Farms. They plant all heirloom non-GMO seeds.  Yay!  We like to support our local farmers!!

So what do you plant in your garden?  One day we will have a huge garden again with all the wonderful plants like watermelon and cantaloupe and potatoes....and the list goes on and on.  Keeping it small 'til my raised beds are built.  The Christmas trees are priority right now and they get most of our time and attention!

Thanks for stopping by!


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