
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Update On Our Chickens

We moved the baby chicks out of the house on April 18th....they were about 2 1/2 weeks old.  This is a link to my post when we first received our baby chicks: Fun Facts About Raising Chickens

This is our Chicken Coop
 Their feeders and waterers
 The inside of the coop
 Growing chickens...starting to put on their feathers.

We just kept them in the coop without letting them out until today.  We opened the window on the screen door each day and closed it back each night.  We've had some pretty chilly nights since then, but the lights kept it nice and toasty in there. The lights are together and if they are cold they huddle underneath them or beside it and there is plenty of room in the coop for them to get away from the heat if it's too much.  On the warm days when we open the window, we turn off the lights.

These were taken on May 7th.
 Haven't they grown?
 They are flying up into the nesting boxes

Today we walked the perimeter of the fenced in chicken yard.  It's big.  David even came out and helped.  He brought the chainsaw and took the low lying limbs off the trees in the yard and right at the fence, so they can't fly onto the limbs and then over the other side of the fence.
Once we were sure that the yard was secure, we started letting the chickens out one by one.  We'd catch them up in the coop and hand them out to David.  He trimmed their wings, so we are double-sure they won't fly up and roost in the trees or use them to get out of the yard.  When they roost in the trees, we can't get them into the coop at night.  

 This is a view of the chicken yard while standing in the coop

Clipping the first chicken's wings
Love their faces as they watch in awe.  Caleb is outside the fence.
 First taste of freedom--sort of!

 It's a joint effort to catch them up one by one.  Once it's wings are trimmed we let it go in the yard.
 And don't forget to give them lots of lovin'
 He's not too sure what to think about these!
 David snagged the exotic bird that the hatchery added to our order for free.  This is an interesting looking bird.
Hannah helps by handing Daddy the scissors.
Spreading the wing and just trimming the tips
I've never seen chickens with furry feet!  David thinks this one is a Silkie.
uh oh!  Look who's watching!
Let's give this one a little lovin', too!
Caught a rooster this time!
Close up of David trimming his wings.
Now the other wing
 David and Caleb catching chickens in the coop.  As they got down to the last few, they were more difficult to catch.
 Enjoying freedom in the yard
 Trying to figure all this out!
 Some happy birds!
 Hannah not too sure...but, wanting to hold it.
 More lovin' from Caleb
 Even the rooster gets some lovin'
 too sweet!
And Judah just has to hold one, too...sweet brother helping by giving the rooster to him.
 "I gah him!"
 Talking to him--he's sayin' "k" (asking if it's ok)
I think I've worn you out with all of our chicken adventures!  Enough for today!

How many of you that raise chickens, clip their wings?  Please comment and share with us!

Thanks for stopping by,

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