
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rosemary Lavender Hair Rinse

I found this recipe at Camp Wander--Rosemary Lavender Hair Rinse. Rebecca has an amazing blog!  Go check it out: Camp Wander

I have very thin, fine hair.  I am loving how my hair feels after using this rinse!  It feels much thicker and softer! 

Hannah (10) is using this, too and she likes how soft her hair has become.  She was a little skeptical at first, because of the vinegar smell.....but, the vinegar smell dissipates quickly and all that is left is the wonderful scent of rosemary and lavender.

I made the batch in a quart mason jar.  I place some in a condiment bottle from WalMart and leave it on the edge of the tub.  We use it up pretty quickly and then I refill from the jar.  I'm needing some waterproof labels because the one on the condiment bottle is quickly disintegrating :0)

Essential oils can leach the toxins out of plastic, so you want to be careful and store them in glass jars or metal. 

I am bending the rules here a little for ease of use.  It's kind of difficult to pour from the jar.  And, the liquid doesn't stay in the condiment bottle for long. 

This stays cool in the bottle and during the winter was a shock to add to your hair after a nice hot bath or shower, however it should be very refreshing in the summertime!!

Rosemary Lavender Hair Rinse 
4 cups water (filtered if possible)

8 drops Rosemary essential oil

8 drops Lavender essential oil

1 tsp. Borax

3 T. Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother)

Rebecca gives a good scientific knowledge of why you should use this rinse.  I'm not that intellectual, so go read her post for that information! :0)

Any comment love?  We enjoy hearing what you have to say!
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I linked up here: Natural Living Link-Up
and here:
 From The Farm Blog Hop


  1. I am looking forward to trying this out, I too have very fine, thin hair (which seems to be getting thinner the older I get) I also love Camp Wander but haven't looked up about the hair rinse there yet. I was wondering, do you use after shampooing your hair? Only w/ this instead of a conditioner?
    thanks for your help.

  2. Me, too on the thinner and older part. :0) Yes, we shampoo our hair first and then use the rinse--no conditioner. We do not rinse it out. Just leave it on hair and dry as usual. Hope you like it.

    Thanks for asking and stopping by my little corner of the web.


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