
Friday, May 31, 2013

Burn Spritzer

We have used this with amazing results on burns.  Thankfully, we don't get burns in the kitchen very often, but when we do, this is nice to have close by.  We keep it in our little first aid kit by the front door (which is sort of in the kitchen), along with the Cuts and Scrapes Spritzer, Bug Beware, sunscreen and a few other items .  

The majority of its use is for rope burns and carpet burns.  I have boys and these type of burn troubles keep cropping up.
Here is a typical conversation with Caleb (6) in my house:  
"You were doing what?"  "I was pulling Judah (2) across the floor.  We were pretending to be trains."  Can you say "carpet burn"?

And another one:  "I tied the rope way up in the tree and then tried to climb it, but kept sliding down."  Can you say "rope burn"?

Burn Spritzer
4 drops lavender
4 drops helichrysum
4 drops geranium
100% Aloe Vera Juice
1 oz. spray bottle

Add the EO drops to your 1 oz. bottle and then fill with the Aloe Vera Juice.  We just spray a couple squirts each time they complain.  The owies heal up quickly!

What natural remedy do you use for burns?  Please share some comment love.
If you don't have these oils and would like to purchase the blend, it's available for purchase at Sonshine Botanicals.

Thanks for stopping by!

I linked up here:
From The Farm Blog Hop


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Where do you purchase Aloe Vera Juice? Thanks in advance!

  3. Hey there, Never A Dull Moment...this is similar to what I had and basically same price with shipping


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