
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Another Garden!

We were greatly blessed by our friends at Coldwater Farms Greenhouse!  They blessed us with 2 whole flats of heirloom tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and cucumbers!! 

Check out their facebook page:  Coldwater Farms
We have some old hay that we used for the hay bale maze last year on the Christmas tree farm.  It's gotten too icky to feed to the cows, so we thought we'd use it to grow a garden.  We are experimenting to see how well this will do.  Heard you can grow things very well in hay bales.  So, it's over by our "under construction/finishing phase" gift shop where we get full sun. 

 My sweet hubby helped me get most of these planted before dark, although he would have much rather been planing boards for the gift shop walls.  Thanks, Babe!!

We planted the rest the next morning and then staked them and watered.  
above on the left are the pepper plants
already blooming tomato plant
black zucchini
Now, if I can just remember to go and water every day.  hmmm....setting some reminders in my Ipod, now. :0)

24 tomato plants
6 pepper plants
4 zucchini plants
4 cucumber plants

Can't wait to have some fresh veggies this year! Looks like there is a lot of canning in my future.  Looking forward to canning all things tomato.  Pickles will probably be on the canning menu as well.

Please share any tomato canning recipes, links, etc.  I want to do spaghetti sauce, diced tomatoes, and tomato sauce.  I've never canned any of these.  But, I can a really mean salsa.  We can't wait to have some again.  It's been many, many years since I've canned anything. 

Anybody else do any canning?  What do you can?
Please share in the comments.

Thanks for stopping by!

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