
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Stop The Itch of Contact Dermatitis

A big welcome to my friend, Tonya!

Tonya blogs over at Created2fly.
Tonya is guest posting for me today as I have family in from out of town.  If you've not been to her blog you need to go and spend some time reading her posts.  She is an excellent writer with quality content about all things essential oils and her spiritual insight will amaze you.



Thanks Dawn, for letting me stop by and share one of our first success stories with essential oils!

This year when we began using quality essential oils, I held in my hands a small Altoids tin with about 30 drops of 5 different oils. My starter kit from Rebecca of

At that time we were struggling with an allergic reaction Miss Diligence has to her sweet dog Tasha (You can read her story HERE). All it would take is a single hair from Tasha and Miss Diligence would itch horribly. Then, she would scratch. Here's what it would look like after just a little scratching.

 Horrifying, isn't it?!

I remembered something about lavender helping with allergies, so I grabbed my little vial and shook out a few drops onto her welts. She looked at me with shock in her eyes, "That's creepy!" 

Immediately, the itching stopped. The welts were still there, but without her scratching they went away and she didn't even know when it happened.

She now keeps a roller bottle with lavender diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil with her. (About 20 drops lavender, then fill 1/3 oz roller bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil.) However, when she went to stay with my parents, she forgot to bring it and we received this text:


Lavender is Miss Diligence's favorite oil. She not only uses it to deal with contact dermatitis, but also diffuses it for Tasha using a custom Flower Power

What ways do you use this versatile oil?

Have a blessed and itch free day!

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