
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Say Goodbye to Ringworm--Day 3 & 4

Good morning all!

This is just an update from my original post here→Say Goodbye to Ringworm

I'm just going to post pictures to compare.

Day 4

 Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

It's looking pretty red and raw.  But, it's also looking like it's starting to dry up.  So, we are keeping at it.  He's a rough and tumble boy and has been playing in the dirt a lot.  Not sure that's helping any--lol!

I've started rolling the Cold and Flu Bomb on the bottom of his feet several times a day, too. 

Cold & Flu Bomb
I put 2 drops of each essential oil in a 1/3 oz. roller bottle and filled to top with fractionated coconut oil. We roll on the bottoms of our feet.

The Cold and Flu Bomb Kit can be purchased at Spark Naturals.  Use code "sonshine" for a 10% discount.

Thanks for stopping by!

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