We have some stray cats living under our house and have been trying to catch them with our have-a-heart trap. We caught one of them, but have known there was at least one more. Mercy in her cat-like way knows they are there and is always trying to get out to go and investigate. So, last night she finally got her way.
David climbed under the house with a flashlight and the stray cat came flying out from under the house, but no Mercy to be found.
So, as I got up several times last night to check Hannah's sugar, I checked both doors and out the windows looking for the kitty. And....yes, I left the outside lights on. You know, like Motel 6--we'll leave the light on for you....hoping that would guide our beloved kitty home. However, not a sight or sound of her.
This morning, David got up and climbed under the house once more and there sitting in the corner, shaking, was our precious kitty. He grabbed her and brought her into the house and the little bell on her collar greeted me later when I got up and she came around the corner to greet me. I was so excited to see her!! Although, I don't have much to do with her usually because of my allergies. But what a sight for sore eyes. I praised the Lord for answering Hannah's prayers and bringing her kitty home. What a precious testimony of His love for us!!! Yeah, I know, she's just a cat. But she caused my daughter to cry herself to sleep last night. Hannah loves her kitty so much and I could not bear to see her hurting! The anguish of a mama's heart when her children are hurting......
Anyway, just wanted to post today and praise the Lord!!! Hannah is all smiles this morning and cannot put Mercy down!! Ah, she is content and this mama's heart is rejoicing!!
Thank you, Jesus!!
What a precious account of answered prayer!!! We are so glad Mercy is home!!! Give Hannah a big hug from Aunt DeDe!