David has decided to do some Fall planting this year. We're going to replace the trees we've lost with some other type of tree. So, he's working on some field prep today. We've decided that the mowing is too big a job! Oh yeah! He's going out today with his new backpack sprayer to kill all the grass and weeds in the area of the fields where we dug up all the trees. Then we will sow clover seed in the field when we do our planting this fall. The clover is a double benefit to the field because it will keep the weeds and grass from growing and it will add nitrogen back into the soil, which is something the trees really need. Also, we won't have to mow--Yay!! We're hoping that we've come across a good thing with the clover. We want to get some beehives this Spring and the clover will be a great source of pollen for the bees.
These are the Fraser Fir that we've potted. They were planted around the pond in the lower field.
These are the Concolor Fir. We had some of these in the lower field and some of these replaced the ones we lost from last year in the upper field.
This is Ridah. He's a friend of ours who came to play with Caleb for the day. Hannah, Caleb and Ridah are helping Daddy mix the Round-Up to put down in the tree field. Actually, they are only helping him fill the bucket to mix it in with the water. He's keeping them far away from the actual poison, Loretta!!!
David with his new backpack sprayer--full of Round-Up. Wow, it's heavier than he thought it would be.
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