This is my nephew, Landon. He suffers from a rare form of Adrenal Insufficiency(AI) that puts him at risk for a life threatening, adrenal crisis.
More than 200,000 Americans are at risk for an adrenal crisis. Medical conditions such as Addison’s disease, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Cushing’s, Secondary AI, those who require ongoing steroid treatment, certain cancer survivors, and even children who have used long-term steroid inhalers for the treatment of asthma are at risk for, or have had an adrenal crisis.
When someone with adrenal insufficiency is injured, ill, or is unable to keep their oral medication down, they need an injection of Solu-Cortef® immediately.
Thankfully, our doctors are aware of the urgency, but Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel are less familiar with these conditions and the treatment thereof. Our doctors advise us (family members) to give the Solu-Cortef® shot PRIOR to calling EMS or going to the ER.
But what happens if the parent is not with the child at the time of a crisis? What if the child is at school or at an amusement park. What if an adult is in a car accident, alone, injured and unable to self inject?
Then what?
They suffer, go into a coma, brain damage occurs.
Ultimately, without treatment... they die.
Please see the value and urgency in which I ask, for all in our community......A nationwide protocol allowing EMS personnel to administer patient-supplied Solu-Cortef® in the field and/or mandate that this life saving medication be carried on all rigs.
The cost = $7.00 Shelf life = 5 years.
(EMS professionals want to help but without proper
protocol they cannot administer this life saving medicine.)
I want to help make the medical community aware of the need for this life-saving Solu-Cortef shot. I'd like to see all EMS personnel and First Responders being trained about these diseases and what to look for so they can save additional lives! Please help us spread the word.
Read this blog post for more information on what AI is and how you can help. It's such a small thing that they are asking.
Bake a dozen cupcakes (make them pink in honor of Annie Sullivan's memory) and take them to your nearest EMS station, Fire Station, Hospital, etc. Hand them a flyer and the cupcakes and ask them to read it so they will know what AI is. Do this anytime between April 1 and April 13th.
We can help educate our communities and little by little the word will get out. Then, this will be standard protocol for all EMS Vehicles and First Responders.
For more in-depth information on Addison's Disease (Adrenal Insufficiency) go here: Adrenal Insufficiency
and here: AI United
and here: AI United
Please find me on facebook at: Dawn Gray
Find my post about a survey through AI United (I will try to repost this everyday in April). Please take the control group survey if you do NOT have AI. This will help in AI United's research. It's short and painless, I promise!
Thank you very much!
Find my post about a survey through AI United (I will try to repost this everyday in April). Please take the control group survey if you do NOT have AI. This will help in AI United's research. It's short and painless, I promise!
Thank you very much!
Please leave a comment if you have any questions or need more information!
And, please let me know if you make and deliver any cupcakes or take the survey!
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